The COVID Lock Down Diaries…

a continuation…

March 29, Day 2 of COVID Quarantine Lock Down…

Movie: Kingdom (NETFLIX SERIES)- still in my zombie apocalypse mood. This is a series about a kingdom in chaos. After an attempt to rise the emperor from the dead, his followers created a monster instead. The prince in this Korean Empire, must save his people from a plague that started off with his father. Action, comedy, drama and zombies.

The National Government just announced Stage 2 of the lock down today. And so what do the good citizens of Australia do? Go to the beach!!! Fuck me as if they were on summer holiday or something. No social distancing, no taking precautions, nothing!!!

As for me, I am feeling bit under the weather today. And no it’s not the virus! It’s a combination of a lot of things really, the sudden change in the weather, me getting used to not being up to go to work, the anxiety of not knowing how the shops are going to be, etc etc.

Times like this call for serious comfort food, to warm the belly and comfort the soul. And on the top 10 of my list of comfort food comes this hearty dish of beef shanks and tendons with green veggies and potatoes. We call in Nilagang Baka, which translate to Boiled Beef Soup.

I was lucky to find all that i needed early this morning when i went to the local butcher and greengrocer.

Nilagang Baka

1 kg Beef Shanks (bone in cut 2 inches thick)

1 kg Beef Blade (cut into 2inch cubes)

10 cups (2.4lts) water

2 TBSP (30gms) salt

1 TBSP (12gms) black pepper

3 TBSP (45mls) patis (fish sauce)

2 pcs onions (quartered)

1 small ginger (julienne)

8 pcs medium size potatoes (cut in half)

2 bunches baby boy choy

1 bunch spring onions

1 pc green long chili

STEP 1 – In a large pot combine beef shanks and beef blade and cover with water then bring to a boil. Remove all scum that comes to the surface of the pot.

STEP 2 – When water is clear add onions, ginger, fish sauce, salt and pepper to the pot and continue to boil then lower the heat and simmer for 2 hours or until the meat is tender.

STEP 3 – Add the potatoes and continue to simmer for another 15 minutes, then add the greens and cook for another 6 minutes. Check for seasoning and adjust accordingly

STEP 4 – Serve hot in a bowl with a bit of everything…

A side dish with patis (fish sauce), birds eye chilis and calamansi (local citrus fruit) is best with this dish. And like any other filipino comfort food this should be eaten with RICE, lots and lots of RICE.

Happy Cooking and always remember to cook with your Heart…

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