Mushroom Burger

Trying out the (V) option on the menu… (continuation)

So here we are again, still on the topic of my meatless journey. Weeks in to going vegan and I’m really into trying new things and experimenting with ingredients and all that. I have also been to quite a number of places recently and one of the staple choices from the  V option on all these places was always the “veggie burger”. Thinking like a chef, I would say it’s because it’s one of the safest and easiest thing to do. Anyway so I have at least tried like a dozen types; lentil, veggie, tofu (speaking of tofu, shout out to The Last Piece in Waverley Park, Mulgrave, they have the best vegan tofu burger I have tried), mushroom, portobello mushroom etc etc. But whenever I think of a mushroom burger, one taste is always on my mind. It’s that burger from this place called “Mushroomburger®”, located  in Tagaytay City south of Manila in the Philippines.  And so after weeks of trials I think I got close to it.  Let me share with you my recreation of this mushroom burger, only in pure vegan form.


The Mushroom Burger


250 gms button mushrooms, (fresh not tinned mushrooms!!!)

250 gms swiss brown mushrooms

25 gms dried shiitake, rehydrated

375 gms (1 tin) pinto beans

300 gms (1 pack) Vegie Delight®Hot Dogs

1 brown onion, chopped

10 gms (2 tsp) garlic powder

10 gms (2 tsp) black pepper

120 gms (1 cup) corn flour

6 gms (2 tsp) veggie salt 

15 gms (1 TBSP) salt

70 mls (5 TBSP) coconut oil

240 mls (1 cup) soy milk

 180 gms (2 cups) fine bread crumbs

50 mls (3 TBSP) soy sauce

3 gms (1/2 tsp) dried oregano


parsley, copper

Spring onions, chopped

rosemary, chopped 


Step 1 – Combine soy milk, soy sauce, coconut oil and herbs in a bowl. Whisk together and add bread crumbs and leave to soak until ready to use.

Step 2 –  Roughly chop mushrooms, onions and hot dogs then mix them together in a bowl. Using your food processor mince all ingredients. Move mince back to the mixing bowl and add your breadcrumb mixture.

Step 3 – Mix everything using your hands until it starts to feel tacky. Add the corn flour, garlic powder, black pepper,  veggie salt and salt and continue to mix until everything is well combined. set in the fridge for an hour.


Step 4 – Weigh out the mixture and divide into even balls. form each ball into a disc shaped patty. Put patties in a line tray and again place in fridge for another hour or until ready to use.

Step 5 – Preheat your grill.  lightly brush each patty with olive oil and grill till it is cooked trough. Top each patty with Bio Cheese® Cheddar Slices and melt.

Step 7 – Serve on any bun of your choice with lettuce, tomatoes, onions and pickles. Stack it high, serve it with chips or salad or really it’s anything you want.


This mushroom burger will give them something shitake’bout!!!


Happy Cooking and always remember cook with your Heart…


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